Disassembly process of a volumetric pump

Problems on a pump



Watch these 2 videos and identify the problems :


So it is necessary to repair the pump by changing the ball bearings (that are the cause of the noise) and the seals (that are the cause of the leak and the low flow).

Below there are the tools needed to operate the intervention.

Match each tool name with its associated picture by dragging and dropping each word on its right place.

Your company sells its products internationally. Your job consists in helping foreign technicians to maintain the mechanisms you sold them. To provide an effective preventive maintenance, disassembly processes are needed in English. You will write an email to them. The French documents have already been made (see the documents below).

Work to do:

  1. Make a list of the parts in English.
  2. Write the disassembly process of the bearings N° 236 and 250 and the seals N° 252 and 258 of the centrifugal pump that you are in charge of. Don’t forget to indicate the tools and the other accessories needed during the process (https://catalogue.facom.com/uk-en).
  3. Write an e-mail to a foreign company in order to send the disassembly process you’ve written to a foreign technician.

Verbs and words that can be used :

  • Safety                     To empty                 To clean                  To mark                  To unscrew            To screw
  • To dismantle / To disassemble /     To take off             To punch                 To extract               To put
  • To upgrade             To mount / To assemble                    To adjust                To try / To test
  •  To drill                     To warm                  To grind                To saw                    To cut                     To weld
  •  To burr                    To sand                   To file                      To thread
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