Affordable House for Students

I – Introduction

Oral Comprehension

Video link
Part 1 (0:00 => 1:26)
Watch the video and Answer these questions:

Part 2 (1:26 => 2:45)
1. Listen and fill in the gaps :

2. Say what role every object below has in this 50k house:

  1. Why would there be a timer on the fridge?

Part 3 (2:45 → End)
1. Listen and Fill in the gaps.

2. What are the advantages of a container?

Reading Comprehension

II – Main functions of a shipping container house for students :

A mind map of the functions of an affordable house for students is given below.

Match each technical solution with its associated function by dragging and dropping each word on its right place.

For example, drag and drop the technical solution « 40ft container » to its function « Dimensions ».

When the map is correctly filled, make a screenshot to save it on your computer.

III – Drawing of a house for a student :

Thanks to the software “SWEET HOME 3D”, you are going to draw an affordable house for students.

All the technical solutions to draw the house are in the previous mind map “Affordable house for a student – 3D design”.

  • DON'T DRAW THESE FUNCTIONS : Thermal Insulation, Sound Insulation, Electrical Supply, Water Supply, Accessibility Upstairs, Internet Access, Protection against External Environment, Container Support and Container Fixing.
Sweethome 3D Installation :

If the software is not installed on your computer, you can download it with the link below:

Now, you can install and run Sweethome 3D on your computer.

A Sweethome 3D user's guide is available here :

House Design

Download and open the file “Empty Containers.sh3d” with this link :

Save it immediately under your name.

Draw your own house. Important : respect the main constraints written in the mind map.

Virtual visit of your house

Thanks to Sweethome 3D, it's possible to create a virtual visit of your home.

A tutorial is available on Youtube.

Create now a 1'30 virtual visit of your home.

IV – Presentation of your house:

Once your virtual visit is made, you have to convince parents that your house is the best one for their 18 year-old children.

So you will create a 1'30'' video to present your house, developing:

  • the purpose of your product
  • the positive aspects of your product
  • the benefit(s) of your product for the user
Steps to create the final video :

The video file is done thanks to Sweethome 3D. You must now insert an audio file in your video.

  1. On your computer or on your smartphone, record a oral presentation of your house. The recording time must be the same than the video.
  2. If you already use a video editing software, you can skip step 3.
  3. Download « Windows Movie Maker » here, install (read this for help) and run it on your computer. A tutorial is available on Youtube.
  4. Edit the video with your video file and your audio file.
  5. Save it under your name on your computer and upload it on this server :
  6. Send an email to  to notify your upload.

Télécharger l'ensemble des documents de l'activité sur le Serveur « MEGA ».

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